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FULL SHOW Denim & Lightning festival
Hi members, We have busy weeks behind us with the release of our new album and it's release party Denim &...
NEW SONG 'Why Do I Wake Up In The Middle Of The Night' official version (listen now)
Hi members, Today we have the LAST new song from the upcoming album for you! It's also the last song on...
NEW SONG 'I Want It Now' official version (listen now)
Hi members, Time is ticking! The new album is coming out within 2 weeks, and you will be one of the...
NEW SONG 'Come On' official version (listen now)
Hi members, Here again a new song from our new upcoming album you never heard: Come On! Hope you like it!Cheers, The...
VLOG October 2023
Hi members, A while ago we shared a vlog of August + September including part 1 of the Spain tour. Today...