Dirty Fanim Members

Does the music from The Dirty Denims make you feel good? 
Looking for a way to support the band to tour, play and create?

Become part of the movement as a true Dirty Fanim member!
Get a closer connection to the band and exclusive content. 




 TRUE DIRTY FANIM MEMBER (3)"I became a The Dirty Denims member for various reasons; first and foremost I love their music. And I get a feeling that I support them in their existence; I've been following them since the first time I saw them live on the Lowlands festival.

As you probably know bands, especially independent ones, can only survive because of fans buying their records and merch. But one can only buy so many t-shirts and records.

Supporting them financially by becoming a member was a no-brainer for me, it helps the band to continue to create new material and rehearse. As a bonus there are nice perks and I've gained access to some great (remote) friends from all over the world, who share the love for music." - Ralph



"I am an XL member for about a year now and I haven’t regret that decision. It’s a cool thing to be a member in this exclusive circle. I have met a lot of nice people at the concerts including the members of the band (they all are so nice) and it’s a good way to support the band. Come on, become a member today." - André